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Quail – So Much More Than Just Another Poultry

février 7, 2024

Quail are often underestimated or even overlooked by raw feeders because of their tiny size. From their meat to their eggs, quail is a novel, lean protein option that deserves to be known. Weighing less than 2lbs, this tiny bird is a member of the pheasant family, offering a balance between white and red meat, and naturally low in fat. Their flavour has a less wild or gamey taste than duck, making it a great option for picky eaters. It is also very close to being a natural prey animal of dogs and cats and can be offered as whole prey – it has a complimentary balance of meat, bone and organ, just as nature intended! All these health benefits are packed tightly in a fun, little, speckled package. Weighing in at around just 9 grams, they contain approximately 14 calories, 1 gram of protein and only 1 single gram of fat. 

Compared to other poultry, quail is particularly high in iron, zinc and B vitamins. In fact, calorie for calorie, quail meat is higher in every nutrient compared to any other protein option. For example, quail meat is higher in vitamin D than grass-fed beef and will bring 4 times more Vitamin D per gram than chicken.  

The same nutritional bounty also applies to Oeufs de caille. Oeufs de caille are higher in protein, fat, iron, B vitamins, and nearly every other nutrient than other poultry eggs. On average, 1 Quail Egg is equivalent to 3 chicken eggs based on vitamin and mineral density!  

Every part of the egg adds to its nutritional benefit – the speckled exterior shell is thinner than a chicken eggshell, making it easy to crack or split open for your pet to explore and have a delicate and satisfying calcium-rich crunch. Plus, the membrane between the shell and the egg white and yolk, is pure collagen. If your dog, cat, puppy or kitten prefers Oeufs de caille without the shell, try peeling the membrane away from the shell and feeding it to your pet for a little collagen boost!  

On the inside, the egg yolk and white contain antioxidants to repair damaged cells and reduce allergy symptoms and choline, an important nutrient responsible for keeping the nervous system and muscles healthy and operating at peak performance. Oeufs de caille also contain lysozyme which is an enzyme well known and valued for its antibacterial properties. By feeding Oeufs de caille to your pet, you may help to promote a healthy digestive system and supportive defence against harmful bacteria. The more you know!  

Fun fact: the speckles on the egg shells are the hen’s signature egg markings. Every egg from the same hen will have the same spot pattern – how cool is that?!  

Poultry allergies are considered fairly common in pets, however, as we’ve determined, duck is not the only hypoallergenic bird protein option. Unlike chicken, quail are not commonly used in the pet food industry, which is what makes them ideal for pets with allergies – most have never eaten quail before. Hypoallergenic, lean, nutritionally dense – quail are an ideal poultry protein for all pets. Big Country Raw offers quail in several recipes – Mélange de gibier for both dogs and cats, or as complete meal options – Quail Dinner 4lb carton, Fare Game Quail Duck Lamb 2lb, or as a meal replacement bone Cailles entières, and the very popular Oeufs de caille. Be sure to add this superfood protein to your next shopping list, to include it in your pet’s rotational meal plan! 

Français du Canada
193 --- Cookhouse - Pain de viande de boeuf - 750g ---- 162 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:162 ------ disponible
194 --- Cou de Boeuf 4 à 6 morceaux - 1 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ Non disponible
197 --- Tripe de boeuf - boite de 4 lb ---- 299 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1326 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1625 ------ disponible
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202 --- Cous de poulet (sans la peau) - 2 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1 ------ disponible
203 --- Slobbers® Huile vierge de noix de coco - 250 ml ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<598 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ disponible
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205 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Lung - 65g ---- 34 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<346 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:380 ------ disponible
207 --- Hero Beef Bully Stick - 6" ---- 104 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<440 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:544 ------ disponible
209 --- Hero Dehydrated Chicken Feet - 114g ---- 36 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<271 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:307 ------ disponible
211 --- Diner de Canard - boite de 4 lb ---- 549 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<994 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1543 ------ disponible