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Thrive Slippery Elm – 80g

(25 avis client)

La poudre d'orme est un produit naturel qui contient du mucilage (substances végétales, constituées de polysaccharides, qui gonflent au contact de l'eau en prenant une consistance visqueuse), qui aide à réguler la fonction intestinale et favorise des selles normales.

SKU: 627818000543

Product Code: THRVSEP80


Thrive Slippery Elm – 80g (25 reviews )

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  1. Danielle

    This is a product I will always keep on hand. I’ve had a few occurrences where my pup has had a very upset stomach. This helps to soothe and calm his stomach fast!

  2. williamsbk21

    This product needs to be in every pet parents household. It is like doggy pepto and has been a lifesaver when something has upset my dog’s stomach and he needs something to soothe it. You just mix it with some water to make a paste and I feed it before any food and it really helps in soothing his upset tummy.

  3. vmckenzie

    An amazing product to keep on standby. My pup is prone to digestive upset, and so we tend to serve this with bone broth to help settle her tummy. Works like a charm!

  4. megurq

    The easiest way to sooth a sore tummy or assist with poops that are too firm or too soft. Simply mix with a bit of water to create a runny paste and serve! A delicious smelling supplement for the pet parents too which is a bonus, smells like maple syrup! A pleasant surprise and bonus for those sensitive to smell when serving raw.

  5. Tracey Kelly

    I love this product! When my boy gets an upset tummy, I mix it with some pumpkin and in no time he’s back to his normal self!

  6. Melissa Goncalves

    This product is great to have on hand. Whenever my pup has an upset stomach I mix a bit of this in water and add to his food (see package for exact amount) and within no time he is feeling better. This smells quite sweet so the smell isn’t overpowering making it difficult for your pup to eat. I’ve also added Goat’s milk to it and he eats itno problem.

  7. gsp

    I highly reccomend this product for anyone who has a pup with constipation! Great for soothing the tummy ache and a happy dog

  8. Ruthsimmons (client confirmé)

    Worked really well when my dog had a persistent stomach upset for a week, along with the pumpkin it helped stop whatever was causing him gas and diarrhea.
    Really pleased with the speed of its effectiveness and the natural ingredient

  9. Ozzy (client confirmé)

    My pup has digestive issues so this is a staple in our home. Works incredibly well.

  10. shan

    I had never actually heard of the powerful properties of slippery elm until I had a BCR raw fed dog. We were lucky the first 8 months or so of his life until suddenly had the dreaded “coming home to a huge mess” situation. Poor pup 🙁 We ran to our local supplier and picked up a container of this and now I will never be without again! My pup loved the taste and it does have a sort of pleasant sweet smell to it. This supplement is a must for all pet owners!

  11. Briana Black

    We will never not have Slippery Elm in our stash – it settles upset bellies in no time! This is a MUST BUY!

  12. Racheldavis

    This is something I always have on hand! This product works wonders. Everyone should have this on hand !

  13. Barbie Wallace

    I had never heard of this until it was recommended to me for Pradas upset tummy and loose stool. One treatment was a miracle cure for her, it did the trick! Best product Ive ever used!!

  14. hui0414

    This is the one thing we always have at home in case of upset stomach or diarrhea. Our girl has very sensitive stomach and gets diarrhea easily. This is a lifesaver for us. Before using this, we brought her to the vet many times because of diarrhea. With this, no more vet visit for diarrhea ever again. We just mix it up with a bit of water to make paste, she licks them right off!

  15. Glenda

    I am so happy I discovered this amazing product!! Works amazing when my dogs have tummy upsets and diahrrea. I highly recommend this! I always make sure I have this on hand.

  16. Rachael Meagher

    I always have this stocked at home. One of my girls has tummy issues and this has been a miracle worker for her.

  17. Krystal

    This is a must have on hand for upset tummies!

  18. Angie Boothman (client confirmé)

    We always make sure we have this is our house! Whenever my dogs have an upset stomach we feed this and it makes them feel better soo fast!! been a life saver a few times. highly recommend this supplement to all pet owners.

  19. Catherine Poissant

    Excellent supplément a avoir sous la main pour les problèmes/maux d’estomac.

  20. Tamaraachan

    My Dexter has stomach problems, he very sensitive to certain things (bees especially) so when he eats one I immediately give him some Elm Powder, it soothes his stomach and helps protect it.

  21. Beardes8818 (client confirmé)

    This stuff is a saving grace for my pesky toy poodle who tends to eat things she shouldn’t then upsets her stomach. I find a little bit of this and next thing you know her stomach seems to settle as she stops throwing up or having accidents. I find she likes it best mixed with the water then some goats milk or dog peanut butter.


    Another must have for my girl with the health issues and sensitive stomach. It used to take her a week to bounce back from an upset but this makes it a few days at most.

  23. Angela Lam Perieteanu

    My 12 week old bernedoodle puppy was at that stage where she was fully vaccinated and ready to explore the world…which inevitably meant also exploring and eating random things she’d find on our walks that I couldn’t get to fast enough. She’d had an upset stomach and very soft stools and explosive diarrhea for over a week, and tests ruled out parasites. I was at my wit’s end, and had tried probiotics, bland diet, fasting…and was getting really tired of non stop laundry and baths! Only thing that worked was a combination of one dose of kaolin/pectin and a couple days of slippery elm bark. Thank you!

  24. Marie-chrystel Marier

    Bonjour, mon Boston terrier de 2 ans a l’estomac très fragile et s’il mange quelque chose d’autre que des croquettes surtout de l’herbe ou des bouts de branche le lendemain matin son ventre gargouille et il ne veut pas manger. Dans la journée il peut même avoir un caca mou avec du sang …, Il fini par manger en après-midi et je réussis enfin à lui la poudre dorme rouge Thrive avec de la purée de citrouille. Ça le soulage immédiatement. Je me questionne si je peux lui donner la poudre dorme rouge à tous les matins pour protéger son estomac durant les saisons problématiques pour lui qui est le printemps et l’été ? Merci d’avance

  25. Lisa Bolin

    Just wanted to say thank u so much for this and all your help with my senior dog getting over a bad bout of diarrhea! It can be hard getting in to your regular popular vet sometimes so nice to know the people where you are buying your food/supplements answer your emails promptly and give awesome guidance. Slippery elm was recommended by a friend of mine but I was scared to try it at first but when u get to that point of trying anything well wow what can I say ! It does work fast in firming things up and yes giving it PRIOR to a meal does actually work better 😉 My girl doesn’t need it syringed into her mouth either she just licks the thick syrup off a plate and I mix in a TINY bit of apple sauce

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Valeurs Nutritives

Poudre d'orme rouge naturelle

1.5g par c. à thé

Guide d'alimentation

Mélanger avec de l'eau froide pour créer un sirop épais. Offrir immédiatement en ajoutant à la nourriture ou en utilisant une seringue directement dans la gueule de l'animal.

Posologie :

10 lb – 1/4 c. à thé 

20 lb – 1/2 c. à thé

40 lb – 1 c. à thé

60 lb – 1 1/2 c. à thé

80 lb – 2 c. à thé

100 lb – 2 1/2 c. à thé


Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux recevant d'autres médicaments, sauf indication contraire d'un vétérinaire. Entreposer à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Aucune réfrigération nécessaire.

Français du Canada
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