News & Notices

Avian Influenza Protocols

avril 5, 2023

Dear Valued Customer,
At Big Country Raw we understand your pets are part of the family, and we want to assure you that our products are processed safely with the best quality for your pets to consume. We take great pride in the products we offer and the ingredients we use. We are aware of the severity of Avian Influenza in Canada; we know that this can cause serious concerns for pet owners. Our Risk Based Food Safety Quality system has strict protocols for monitoring and assessing our suppliers. Only reputable CFIA approved suppliers provide raw meat for our processes. They are continuously monitoring and testing their birds to ensure compliance with the Avian Influenza guidelines outlined by CFIA. 

We understand our responsibility as a manufacturer of raw meat products to provide you with transparent and honest information on our procedures. Our suppliers have strict bio-security procedures in place to eliminate the possibility of infections including, but not limited to, no-visitor policies, risk mitigation procedures, bird control permits and feed delivery controls, continual testing with approved certified laboratories, etc. CFIA holds the authority for managing cases of Avian Influenza in Canada. They have specific industry guidelines and Standard Operational Procedures to control and contain affected birds, outbreaks and mitigation measurements applicable to all inspected facilities. Our team works with suppliers to ensure that only birds that are compliant with these CFIA guidelines and controls are used for our products. 

We want to assure you that we have taken all the necessary steps to ensure the safety and quality of our pet food. We understand that you trust us to provide safe and nutritious food for your pets, and this is our commitment and responsibility to you. We appreciate your loyalty and trust in our products and we will continue to work hard to maintain your confidence in us.  

Do not hesitate to contact us if further assistance is needed.  


Delia Boom, Food Safety and HACCP Coordinator
Big Country Raw 

Français du Canada
193 --- Cookhouse - Pain de viande de boeuf - 750g ---- 162 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:162 ------ disponible
194 --- Cou de Boeuf 4 à 6 morceaux - 1 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ Non disponible
197 --- Tripe de boeuf - boite de 4 lb ---- 278 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<767 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1045 ------ disponible
198 --- Mélange Campagnard - boite de 4 lb ---- 719 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1766 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:2485 ------ disponible
200 --- Dîner de poulet - Boite de 4 lb ---- 798 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<4984 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:5782 ------ disponible
202 --- Cous de poulet (sans la peau) - 2 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1 ------ disponible
203 --- Slobbers® Huile vierge de noix de coco - 250 ml ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<598 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ disponible
204 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Liver - 114g ---- 22 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<161 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:183 ------ disponible
205 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Lung - 65g ---- 29 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<325 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:354 ------ disponible
207 --- Hero Beef Bully Stick - 6" ---- 82 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<435 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:517 ------ disponible
209 --- Hero Dehydrated Chicken Feet - 114g ---- 60 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<216 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:276 ------ disponible
211 --- Diner de Canard - boite de 4 lb ---- 424 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1506 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1930 ------ disponible