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Thrive Pro-Gut Probiotics Fusion – 150g

(23 avis client)

Pro-Gut est un supplément probiotique contenant un mélange exclusif de vitamines et de minéraux essentiels, ainsi que des enzymes digestives, des probiotiques et des fibres prébiotiques. Thrive Pro-Gut favorise un système digestif en santé.

Ce supplément peut aider à réguler les intestins, ce qui donne des selles plus fermes et consistantes, à réduire les odeurs de selles et à fournir une absorption maximale des nutriments. Peut être offert aux animaux de compagnie sur tous les régimes alimentaires, y compris ; aliments crus, secs, aliments déshydratés, lyophilisés et/ou en conserve.

SKU: 627818002615

Product Code: THRVPG150


Thrive Pro-Gut Probiotics Fusion – 150g (23 reviews )

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  1. megurq

    We were thrilled to try Thrive Pro-Gut as we used Alpha Omega Probiotic for years off the BCR website. We believe in this product because probiotics help maintain a healthy gut & bowels and can assist in better absorption of nutrients. We sprinkle this product on our BCR grinds once a week for maintenance.

  2. Amanda (client confirmé)

    Absolutely love this product – we give it to our dogs daily

  3. Jocelynne

    Progut is something I newly introduced into my dogs diet and I have no regrets! So far the usage for my dog per jar is amazing! She’s doing so much better with digestion and overall health by adding this probiotic and based on my other experiences with thrive supplements I am not surprised how happy I am with the results! Definitely something we keep on hand and plan to use always!

  4. Jheri

    When transitioning my dog to raw, he was having digestive problems. He was having an upset belly and the nutritionist suggested I add this supplement and it helped him almost immediately. Still use it to this day

  5. Vanessa

    One container of this made a huge impact on my dogs bowel habits, and has given her some healthy gut bacteria!

  6. André Lamarche

    Très bon produits. Nous avons vu des changements rapidement.

  7. meganbrowne

    I love this product so much. I just started giving it to my pup shortly after starting raw as she was having some issues and this totally cleared up everything. It’s amazing what this product can do and it helps to support a healthy digestion.

  8. Nicia Montminy (client confirmé)

    I gave my cat pro-gut to help her transition into her fully raw diet, since she has had issues in the past with gas and bad stools. She did not have a problem digesting her meals at all!

  9. ErikaD

    This product has been fantastic. My dog has been on anti-biotics this summer and this was my go to product to help his gut healthy

  10. tricolourtrails

    I have used this 3 different times while my dog was on antibiotics. It kept his gut healthy during the medication regime and his poops stayed relatively normal!

  11. Carolann

    Excellent product. My dog’s chronically loose stools improved to normal plus his bloating issues gone. Wish I’d known about this product alot sooner!

  12. Apriloliveirakean

    Dog was diagnosed with AHGE and bleeding ulcers , nothing but stomach issues all of a sudden from a very healthy cast iron stomach dog .
    We started using this and within 48 hours she was back to normal and having solid bowel movements with no issues since and its been 7 weeks ! so thankful for this product

  13. tarobaby

    My 5-week old kitten didn’t poop for 48 hours, I sprinkled very little into two of her meals yesterday and today. I was going to bring her to the vet and she finally went. We were relieved. We are hoping to use Progut to help her with constipation and to adjust since she’s in a new environment. We hope her gut will be strong by the time we transition her to BRC raw food.

  14. Sarah McNichol

    Our girl Schnauzer has such terrible allergies. She’s literally allergic to most animal proteins so we are super luck to have found Big Country! We started her on Bison Dinner and saw improvements right away…. However, it wasn’t until we added the Thrive probiotics that she almost immediately turned into a normal dog! She is no longer bothered, itchy, or musty smelling! She is a super sweet girl who loves to give hugs and kisses so we are supper grateful that she smells sooo much better! Thus stuff is amazing!!!!

  15. Nikki L

    We love this product. Our cane corso was on a raw diet from the time we got him. We are at a point in his life where the affordability of feeding a 135lb dog raw food was getting too expensive. We have found a really good kibble, but he has had issues with gunk in his eyes, staining around his eyes, constantly shaking his head, loose stools and allergies to certain foods. Once we started him on progut everything has changed drastically, literally in two days we could see a difference. And the best part is he loves progut, he cleans his bowl out every time he gets it. We will always have it on hand and will recommend it to all pet owners.

  16. juliadisabatino (client confirmé)

    I wish I had gotten this for my dog sooner! She’s had digestive issues for years and all her vet recommended was pumpkin, which didn’t help. I’ve only been giving this to her for a few weeks and it’s made such a big difference for her. She’s no longer scooting or smelly and she’s much more comfortable! Would highly recommend.

  17. Bandit

    Can’t live without this! This keeps my dog’s stools consistently firm and easier to pass. On thé rare occasion that we run out for a day or two, I notice a difference in the consistency. He takes this mixed with herring oil all mashed into his ground dinner.

  18. Katherine

    This stuff is a must if you have a picky, poor eater. My dog is so picky she lets herself go hungry until her stomach is growling and she’s throwing up. She has chronic diarrhea as well. I started her on this cause nothing else worked (including vet products/recommendations) and she is now eating normally, no more tummy aches, no more throwing up, her stool is still soft but is formed now and I only started her on it about a week ago. She won’t actually eat it because she’s so picky with flavours but I just mix the recommended dose with some water and give it to her in a syringe. Very happy with the results of this product!

  19. CaptainFilice (client confirmé)

    My 2 y/o husky has a litany of food allergies and is prone to GI infections and loose stools. He’s even unable to eat raw meat — it all must be single ingredient and baked.

    Thrive Pro-Gut Fusion is a daily addition to his meals. It helps with his itchy skin, chronic ear infections, and bowel movements. My vet approves of it and I see consistent results when he takes it.

    So glad I found it!

  20. Jason Neis

    I found this stuff to be useless, did not work at all. Originally I bought probiotics from Vet, worked great, month later went back cause some issue, they were out, so went to pet store and was told to use this, so spend 40+ dollars. I mix it with royal canin wet food, give my kitten recommended dose each day, 2 weeks later no difference at all. So Ill go back to a different vet and try to get probiotics from them. Everywhere I look nothing but good reviews for this stuff, makes me wonder if they just post good ones and block negative ones…Guess Ill find out if this goes up or not.

    • BCR

      Hey Jason, Thanks for your feedback. This is one of our best-selling products because of so many positive results. In this instance with your kitten, it’s possible that a less processed diet might improve digestion. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so please return the unused portion to place of purchase with your receipt. Our customer service team is always available to answer any questions about any of our products and are happy to support feeding or supplementation questions any time. You can email them at

  21. Leila

    I used to regularly add Pro Gut to my cat’s food and she loved it. With her allergies, it’s one of the few products that she could tolerate. Sadly, the product was revamped with different ingredients. Why change something that works? Why not just have two versions? The ingredient list was too small to read so I didn’t notice the change. Now I have a new opened jar that I can’t use and it wasn’t cheap.

    • BCR

      Hi Leila, Thanks for contacting us. I wanted to let you know that though the label got a graphic update, the ingredients inside did not change. It’s the same product that you’ve grown to know and love.

  22. Breanna

    Absolutely amazing! We bought a puppy and he was so sick constant diarrhea, couldn’t hold his bowel movements, food just ran through him, was to the vet multiple times for bloodwork, stool samples (all came back normal), he was on 4 months of probiotics from the vet, strict diet, etc nothing worked until I found this at our local pet store and it was a God send! Within a week he was having normal bowel movements, no messes in the house, just gave him a better quality of life! He has been on it for about 4 months and he hasn’t been sick since. Thank you so much!

  23. Lottie

    It has definitely helped our 14 year old morkie. It states on the jar that it is not for prolonged use. Please tell me how long the recommended period of usage is for this product or can it be administered for a prolonged period of time.

    • BCR

      Hi Lottie, The concern with adding ProGut daily long term is with the added iodine from kelp. As long as you aren’t using other supplements that contain kelp or added iodine, it is safe to use long term. Ideally, we want our pets to maintain a healthy gut flora on their own, so adding it 3 times per week long term is ideal.

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Valeurs Nutritives

Varech, gomme de guar, spiruline, poudre d'orme rouge, levure de bière, racine de guimauve, bioflavonoïdes d'agrumes, tourteau de lin

Probiotiques: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, subsp. Longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. Infantis, FOS / fructo-oligosaccharides.

Enzymes: protéase, amylase, lactase, cellulase, lipase, sucrase.

Valeurs nutritives
5,95g per scoop, 1 scoop = 2 tspQuantité par portion*
Ingrédients naturels
     Varech 700 mg
     Gomme de guar
     Poudre d'orme rouge 80 mg
     Levure de bière 500 mg
     Racine de guimauve 280 mg
     Bioflavonoïdes d'Agrumes
     Farine de graines de lin 1406 mg
     Lactobacillus acidophilus 300 Million CFU
     Lactobacillus Plantarum 300 Million CFU
     Lactobacillus Caseium 300 Million CFU
     Lactobacillus Bulgaricus 300 Million CFU
     Lactobacillus Rhamnosus 300 Million CFU
     Lactobacillus Brevis 300 Million CFU
     Bifidobacterium Bifidus 300 Million CFU
     Bifidobacterium Longum 300 Million CFU
Saccharomyces Boulardii500 Million CFU
     Protéase 2 mg
     Amylase 2 mg
     Lactase 2 mg
     Cellulase 4 mg
     Lipase 2 mg
     Sucrase 2 mg

At Big Country Raw, our goal is to use real, fresh ingredients as much as possible! Because of this, we have to account variability in our raw ingredients, including seasonal and supply variation. The value we share take that variability into account, and because of that, we test our ingredients and recipes regularly.

Guide d'alimentation


Pour vous assurer que la dose recommandée atteint le petit intestin où elle est la plus efficace, mélangez la dose dans 1/4 de la portion de nourriture habituelle de l'animal, puis suivez avec le reste de la portion de nourriture en la mélangeant soigneusement. Ce supplément contient des graines de lin (farine de graines de lin) qui enrobent les enzymes digestives et les probiotiques.

 10 lb – 1/2 c. à thé

20 lb – 1 c. à thé

40 lb - 2 c. à thé

60 lb – 3 c. à thé

80 lb – 4 c. à thé

100 lb – 5 c. à thé

Mise en garde

Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux gestants ou allaitants. Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux recevant d'autres médicaments si offert simultanément (pourrait retarder l'absorption), ne pas utiliser à long terme, ne pas utiliser chez les animaux immatures ou immunodéprimés et ne pas utiliser chez les animaux atteints de maladie thyroïdienne, sauf sur avis d'un vétérinaire. Entrposer à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil dans un endroit frais et sec. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Ne pas réfrigérer. Utiliser dans les trois mois suivant l'ouverture.

Français du Canada
193 --- Cookhouse - Pain de viande de boeuf - 750g ---- 162 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:162 ------ disponible
194 --- Cou de Boeuf 4 à 6 morceaux - 1 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ Non disponible
197 --- Tripe de boeuf - boite de 4 lb ---- 150 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<953 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1103 ------ disponible
198 --- Mélange Campagnard - boite de 4 lb ---- 530 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1386 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1916 ------ disponible
200 --- Dîner de poulet - Boite de 4 lb ---- 1845 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1118 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:2963 ------ disponible
202 --- Cous de poulet (sans la peau) - 2 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1 ------ disponible
203 --- Slobbers® Huile vierge de noix de coco - 250 ml ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<598 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ disponible
204 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Liver - 114g ---- 18 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<53 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:71 ------ disponible
205 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Lung - 65g ---- 8 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<118 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:126 ------ disponible
207 --- Hero Beef Bully Stick - 6" ---- 212 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<969 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1181 ------ disponible
209 --- Hero Dehydrated Chicken Feet - 114g ---- 69 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<246 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:315 ------ disponible
211 --- Diner de Canard - boite de 4 lb ---- 733 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<312 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1045 ------ disponible