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Thrive Hemp Seed Oil – 500 mL

(16 avis client)

Pressée à froid au Canada, l'huile de grains de chanvre soutien la santé de la peau et du pelage. Une riche source d'acides gras oméga-3 et 6. Idéal pour les animaux allergiques ou intolérants au poisson. L'huile de grains de chanvre a une teneur naturelle en vitamine E de 10 I.U. par 5 ml. Peut soutenir : la digestion, la santé de la peau et du pelage, l'endurance, la santé cardiovasculaire, la santé musculaire, la santé du cerveau, la santé du système immunitaire et la mobilité.

SKU: 627818001021

Product Code: THRVHS500

INGREDIENTS : 100% hemp seed oil INGRÉDIENTS: Huile de chanvre à 100%


Thrive Hemp Seed Oil – 500 mL (16 reviews )

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  1. megurq

    We alternate between Herring Oil and Hempseed Oil, depending which protein we are feeding that meal. Herring pairs well with Poultry options and Hempseed is the perfect fit when consuming Red Meat. I store Hempseed Oil in the fridge between uses.

  2. Cassie L

    We alternate between the Herring Oil and Hempseed Oil and our Great Dane gobbles them right up. Depending on the protein we are feeding that meal, we put Herring oils on Poultry options and Hempseed with Red Meat. So happy BCR sells these for a one stop shop.

  3. Kristina Heald Hoogenboom

    This product is an important part of my dogs meals. Pets need an Omega 3 in their diet because they can’t produce it themselves. Herring oil and the Hemp seed oil are both wonderful sources of Omega 3 and a great help to make the coat shine.

  4. shepie.miniaussie

    This is a must-have for dogs allergic to fish and poultry like my guy! I feed hemp seed oil daily because it’s an excellent source of omega 3 and omega 6 – and my allergy-prone dog isn’t allergic to it! Really makes his coat shine. I store in the freezer.

  5. Melissa Goncalves (client confirmé)

    We love this product. It is great for any pets who suffer from fish allergies/sensitivities and cannot have the herring oil as its a wonderful source of the omegas. I noticed a big difference in my dog’s coat when I started adding this to his meals!

  6. Jana Young (client confirmé)

    Hemp seed oil is amazing. My dog is allergic to basically everything including fish so I wasnt sure how to get his omegas but with this supplement he still get them.

  7. Ruthsimmons (client confirmé)

    The hemp oil, along with the herring oil have made my dogs coat so silky and shiney. Even the guard hairs have taken on an almost mirror shine, we both get compliments about how healthy and beautiful he looks and I can easily say it’s all due to his diet and the supplements I give him from Big Country Raw. So pleased with the results from switching

  8. Danielle

    We alternate one week herring, one week hemp. Great for getting those omegas in. We also use the hemp on dry feet and noses in the winter. The humans in our house also occasionally use the hemp oil on our own dry skin.

  9. Briana Black

    We alternate between this and the herring oil and our dog loves both. Her shiny coat is beautiful and soft!

  10. Ashley Taylor (client confirmé)

    Great if your pets don’t like the herring oil. Wish it came in 1L bottles too

  11. André Lamarche

    Très bon à donner en alternance avec l’huile de hareng. Vous verrez les bénéfices sur le poils de vos animaux!! 🙂

  12. Glenda

    Our vet recommended omega’s after one of my dogs was diagnosed with a luxating patella. I add this to her food everyday. So many health benefits with this product!

  13. pimathesamoyed (client confirmé)

    We suspect that our dogs has a fish allergy so we love this alternative to give when we are feeding red meats (because we can’t give the herring oil).

  14. feetpeet

    Use it when rotating with my pork and while I try and figure out all of my dogs allergies. Does smell a little bit green but my dog does not mind it at all in her raw.

  15. Elvis

    My dog is only in Rabbit since she has colitis and has severe allergies so I have her on hemp seed oil. She is 43 lbs so the recommend dose I’m giving her causes diarrhea so I reduce the actual recommended dosage and no diarrhea but her stools are always soft. I stopped it and her stools are back to normal. So not sure what to say about this product as it was recommended by her holistic vet. Will try again and see if it causes it again.

    • BigCountryRaw

      Hi there, have you tried a fish oil or raw fish such as sardines or salmon fillets? Most dogs tolerate these well even if they have allergies. I’m wondering if the problem here is excess Omega-6. Though it is a source of Omega-3 fatty acids, Hemp Seed Oil is higher in Omega-6. Rabbit is also naturally high in this fatty acid. Too much Omega-6 can cause inflammation in the body which could be triggering the diarrhea. If you’d like more assistance trying to figure out a solution, please don’t hesitate to reach out to – our team is always happy to help.

  16. Ellie Mae (client confirmé)

    This is our “go-to” omegas in the spring/summer months, with herring oil over the fall and winter. Will the hemp seed oil be coming out in a pump like the salmon and herring oils?

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Valeurs Nutritives

Per 5 ml (1 tsp) serving:Calories: 43kcal

Lipide: 97%

Acides gras oméga-3

ALA: 630 mg

Acides gras oméga-6

LA: 2400 mg

Acide gras oméga-9

OA : 655 mg

Vitamine E : 10 UI

Main Nutrient

Data Not Available

At Big Country Raw, our goal is to use real, fresh ingredients as much as possible! Because of this, we have to account variability in our raw ingredients, including seasonal and supply variation. The value we share take that variability into account, and because of that, we test our ingredients and recipes regularly.

Guide d'alimentation

Dose recommandée : 5 ml par 25 lb de poids corporel.

L'huile de graines de chanvre est recommandée dans les recettes à base de bœuf et d'agneau, ou en rotation avec une huile de poisson (huile de hareng Thrive ou huile de saumon Thrive) dans le cadre d'un régime de rotation régulier.

Pour une fraîcheur maximale, l'huile de grains de chanvre ouverte doit être conservée dans un endroit frais et sec à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. Nous recommandons de réfrigérer l'huile de grains de chanvre pour protéger les précieux omégas du chanvre.

Français du Canada
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