Pets in the Kitchen Bone Broth

(17 avis client)

Le bouillon d'os est un liquide entièrement naturel et riche en nutriments, fabriqué à partir d'os qui mijotent à feu doux pendant plusieurs heures. Le bouillon est chargé d'acides aminés, de vitamines et de minéraux, notamment du collagène, de la glucosamine, de la chondroïtine et de l'acide hyaluronique.

Apaise les intestins et aide à la digestion

Votre animal a-t-il des allergies? Souffre-t-il de pertes intestinales. Syndrome au cours duquel les trous dans les intestins sont devenus plus grands, permettant le passage des toxines. Le collagène du bouillon peut boucher ces trous percés, améliorer la muqueuse du tube digestif et maintenir la muqueuse gastrique (membrane muqueuse) en excellent état pour faciliter la digestion.


Le bouillon d'os agit comme un supplément articulaire supérieur car il contient de la gélatine (du collagène), de la glucosamine et de la chondroïtine.

La gélatine est riche en calcium, magnésium, phosphore, silicium et soufre, ce qui est bon pour la guérison des os, aide à soulager la pression des articulations vieillissantes et favorise une densité minérale saine. La glucosamine est un composé naturellement présent dans le cartilage des articulations. Elle agit comme un absorbeur de chocs, lubrifie les articulations et permet aux animaux de se déplacer sans douleurs articulaires, osseuses ou musculaires.


Les protéines de kératine se trouvent dans la gélatine, se lient aux cheveux pour les renforcer, réparent les dommages et augmentent la brillance

SKU : 627843906292

Product Code: BTTBBB


Pets in the Kitchen Bone Broth (17 reviews )

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  1. Jason Corey

    This has become the latest “MUST” added to our meals. Both my dogs periodically would get itchy and this was a lifesaver, in addition to the Thrive Herring Oil.

  2. williamsbk21 (client confirmé)

    I love these handy bone broth cubes! My dog went through a detox when I discovered his allergens and removed them and the bone broth was an absolute savior in helping support his liver during the detox. They are also very convenient and easy to grab from the bag and throw on top of meals.

  3. megurq (client confirmé)

    After a long walk on a hot summer day, you can find my dog sitting by the freezer waiting for his Frozen Bone Broth cube by Back To The Bone! These things are so handy, and hold lots of great benefits for your pet including immune and liver support.

  4. Kristina Heald Hoogenboom (client confirmé)

    Perfect for an upset tummy, better joints and coat. Also a cool treat on a hot day.

  5. Lindsay

    Can’t say enough about this product! It has many health benefits for our pets. My dog absolutely loves bone broth cubes either frozen or defrosted in his meal

  6. Dianne Lozada

    Perfect meal topper and my dog could just not get enough of it!

  7. Danielle

    I always have this product on hand. I will occasionally add it to their regular meals just to change it up. They love a frozen cube on hot days. On cold days or when they seem to be feeling a little off – I will warm up and serve it to them before their meal. Both my dogs love this product. Great for older dogs when they need a nutritious boost.

  8. Sarah

    Very useful for upset tummies. Also noticed it’s made for a sleeker, shinier coat. Very convenient sized cubes as well.

  9. Vanessa

    My go-to for when my dog had an upset tummy! Very convenient sizing too

  10. Kristina D

    I add a cube when my dog has an upset stomach and find it helps so much! I also randomly add it to a dinner when I want to change things up and give my pup a treat!

  11. André Lamarche

    J’adore ce produit. Pratique et efficace. Bonne dose de vitamine!!

  12. Alita26651

    I’ve purchased this once and plan to do so again in the future! I am unable to make bone broth myself, so buying it in small cubes is the next best thing! Bone broth is so healthy for our dogs, and I hear it’s also healthy for humans too. My dog LOVED the bone broth

  13. Glenda

    I like to add this for added moisture when I feed dry. Lots of health benefits!

  14. ErikaD (client confirmé)

    Bone broth is a daily must have for my dog as it helps with his joint issues. The cubes are a great size and my dog gets them frozen, which on a warm day gives him a cold treat. Also if your dog is not feeling the best bone broth is a great way to get nutrients into the body.

  15. Krystal

    This is a daily must for us! She loves it and they are so easy to grab one from the freezer and straight into the bowl.

  16. AlexanneBoucher

    Mon chien et mon chat adore le bouillon! J’aime l’ajoutEr au repas car c’est naturel et pleins de bienfaits pour mes animaux!

  17. K W

    Our dog has been under the weather for the last few days, and we were getting desperate to get him to ingest something that agreed with him.
    He happily licked the frozen cube, and looks forward to his special popsicle each day. I’ve topped his food with one also. Very convenient also!

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Valeurs Nutritives


Nous avons soigneusement élaboré une recette avec des ingrédients qui renforcent la santé de votre animal.

OS DE PORC comme ils sont les plus gélatineux et que la gélatine est l’un des avantages importants pour la santé, vous ne pouvez jamais en avoir trop!

Comme le porc n’a pas fait partie du régime alimentaire pour animaux de compagnie au cours de la dernière décennie, la plupart des chiens et des chats n’y sont pas allergiques.

Cidre de pomme biologique pour aider à tirer les minéraux des os. Le vinaigre de cidre a de nombreux autres avantages pour la santé de votre animal sur la digestion, les dents et les ongles, les allergies, la prévention des infections à Parvo et des voies urinaires.

Curcuma est inclus pour la curcumine, un puissant antioxydant. C'est aussi un excellent détoxifiant car il stimule la production de bile nécessaire à la digestion des graisses dans le foie.

GINGEMBRE pour le composé, le gingérol qui agit comme un puissant anti-inflammatoire et antioxydant.

par 100 g

23 Calories


6% Protéine

0.1% sel

0.1% gras

At Big Country Raw, our goal is to use real, fresh ingredients as much as possible! Because of this, we have to account variability in our raw ingredients, including seasonal and supply variation. The value we share take that variability into account, and because of that, we test our ingredients and recipes regularly.

Guide d'alimentation

Quantité recommandée quotidiennement.

1-10 lb.   /  11-20 lb. / 21-40 lb. / 41-60 lb.     60-80 lb.

1/2 cube    / 1 cube    /  2 cubes   / 3 cubes  /  4 cubes

The ingredients are cooked in a pressure cooker, a sealed environment so water soluble nutrients do not evaporate out of the pot. This process takes about 8 hours, with a shorter cooking time than other bone broth resulting in a  fresh and nutrient full Bone Broth. Once cooked the broth is portioned in to 25ml cubes that are then frozen allows you to give to your pet as a frozen treat before or after their meal or let it thaw to moisten food.

Français du Canada
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