Purée de citrouille biologique - 1 lb

(18 avis client)

La citrouille ajoute des fibres supplémentaires au régime alimentaire cru de votre chien. Les fibres supplémentaires peuvent aider à résoudre les problèmes de constipation, mais peuvent également aider à absorber l'humidité supplémentaire dans les intestins, empêchant ainsi les selles molles. La citrouille est également utile pour régler tout trouble digestif dû à un changement de régime alimentaire. Fortement recommandé pour les propriétaires d'animaux qui passent au cru!

  • En purée pour maximiser l'absorption
  • Gout doux pour le grand plaisir des chiens
  • Haute teneur en fibres

SKU: 627818001007

Product Code: OPP1

INGREDIENTS Organic Pumpkin Puree: Pumpkin INGRÉDIENTS Citrouille


Purée de citrouille biologique - 1 lb (18 reviews )

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  1. Debra.Steele (client confirmé)

    I use this along with chicken and turkey proteins to provide more fibre to the diet when there is a higher bone content. It helps regulate the “output”. it is ideal for putting in molds or ice cube trays, especially in the summer months, and is a great companion to the Superfood and/or Fruit and Vegetable Blend. Our dogs like a bit of variety too, and it’s fun for us.

  2. Danielle

    I also keep pumpkin puree on hand. Its perfect to add to meals for when your pup has an upset tummy, Or simply a nice addition to meals. Also great to use to bake your own dog cookies with

  3. williamsbk21 (client confirmé)

    My dog really likes pumpkin so I like to have this on hand to mix with some supplements, or goats milk to make a fun frozen treat. It is also great to have on hand in case your dog gets a little runny. Pumpkin helps if they are a little blocked up or if they are runny so pretty much a great thing to have in the freezer.

  4. Desiree Simpson

    This is perfect for when your pup just needs a little help in the washroom and just to help the aroma digest food easier! My pups love it:)

  5. gsp

    Great digestive aid boost for upset tummies. My go to!

  6. Jana Young (client confirmé)

    I love this product! I freeze it in my paw mold and add a paw to every meal. Gives extra fiber in those diets with more bone, aids in upset stomachs as well.

  7. Danielle

    I always keep some of this on hand. Great way to add fibre to my dogs diets.
    I also use this in my Big Country Raw Molds to make for treats. Great on a hot day in frozen treat form. Always worth having in hand for a bad tummy day.

  8. Alexandra D’Orazio

    I’m not sure if maybe it was the time of year but when I opened the pumpkin purée it must have frozen on the porch so when it defrosted it was watery and chunky. Also, I felt like for the price picking up 100% pumpkin purée at the grocery store is easier – $3.29 for 454 g is expensive!

  9. Kristi (client confirmé)

    I freeze the pumpkin in molds and keep in my freezer. It’s so handy to have pumpkin on hand whenever needed. I love the consistency, makes it easy to pour into molds.

  10. Racheldavis

    Always have some on hand! I have one pup who had digestive issues this product helped so much! I would put it in the adorable molds that BCR has and give it to my girl as a cube she loved it!

  11. Rachelstocco (client confirmé)

    Also good to have on hand in case of tummy issues. Can add thawed onto food. But I like freezing in moulds makes portioning easier.

  12. JazzyJetson

    This side dish is a favorite for me and my dog. Whenever he has an upset stomach or an off stool, I always give a couple tablespoons in his meals for a couple days.

  13. Glenda

    This works really well for any digestive issues my dogs are having. Also helps with any anal gland issues!

  14. UNDER MY WING – Pug Rescue (client confirmé)

    My dogs love their pumpkin on top of their BCR dinners.

  15. Kristi McLeod Smeets (client confirmé)

    BCR pumpkin is runnier than store bought canned. This makes it easier to pour into molds and freeze. Every dog owner should have pumpkin in their house!

  16. Adrien Cross

    Very essential side dish for a happy belly! Great source of fibre.

  17. Roxannec

    Un bon supplément à avoir sous la main lorsque les chiens ont des problèmes de digestion. J’en ajoute régulièrement à leur plats sous forme de moule congelé.

  18. Ashton Corcoran

    Both my dogs refuse to eat this thawed but will eat a small amount if I hide a frozen portion in their raw food. Helps with digestion/ constipation issues very well!

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Organic Pumpkin Puree Main Nutrient

Analyse par 100g tel que servie

  • Calories (min)
  • 26 kcal
  • Protein/Protéine (min)
  • 1%
  • Fat/Lipides (min)
  • 0%
  • Carbs/Glucides (max)
  • 7%
  • Fiber/Fibre (max)
  • 1%
  • Moisture/Humidité (max)
  • 92%
  • Calcium (min)
  • 0.02%
  • Phosphorus/Phosphore (min)
  • 0.04%

Organic Pumpkin Puree Analysis shown per 100g as fed

Potassium (g) 0.34
Sodium (g) 0.0
Magnesium (mg) 12.0
Iron  (mg) 0.8
Iodine (mcg) 0.0
Copper (mg) 0.13
Manganese (mg) 0.13
Selenium (mcg) 0.30
Zinc (mg) 0.32
Vit A (IU) 8513.0
Thiamine (mg) 0.05
Riboflavin (mg) 0.11
Pantothenic Acid (mg) 0.30
Niacin (mg) 0.60
Pyridoxine (mg) 0.10
Cobalamine (mcg) 0.0
Folic Acid (mcg) 16.0
Vitamin D (mcg) 0.0
Vitamin E (mg) 1.1
Linoleic Acid (g) 0.0
Alpha-linolenic Acid (g) 0.0

Guide d'alimentation

Les plats d'accompagnement sont des choix d'alimentation supplémentaire pour les animaux de compagnie. Les plats d'accompagnement ne sont pas destinés à être servis comme un repas complet, mais sont destinés à améliorer ou à personnaliser les choix alimentaires de votre animal.

Nous suggerons d'offrir des plats d'accompagnement comme garniture avec d'autres aliments crus, cuits ou secs équilibrés. Portion maximale recommandée - 1/2 tasse par 1 lb de nourriture. maximum serving size – 1/2 cup per 1 lb. of food


  • Conservez les aliments au congélateur et décongelez-les au réfrigérateur jusqu'au moment de les utiliser.
  • Remettez les aliments inutilisés au réfrigérateur après avoir servi.
  • Use within 5 – 7 days of thawing.
  • Servir dans des plats en acier inoxydable, en verre ou en céramique.
  • Lavez toutes les surfaces de travail, les ustensiles, ainsi que vos mains avec de l'eau chaude et du savon après avoir manipulé de la viande et de la volaille crue.


Need some inspiration on how to include side dishes in your pet’s next meal?

  • Makes Frozen Treats. Big Country Raw Frozen Treat Molds make it easy! Simply thaw, portion into molds, freeze, and then serve as needed! Just add a scoop (or two) with each meal. Our recommended serving size is 2 oz (1/4 cup) per 8 oz (1 cup) of raw, cooked or dry food.
  • Add as a food topper to your pet”s meal
  • Français du Canada
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