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Hero Dehydrated Rabbit Feet – 114g

(15 avis client)

HeroDogTreats™ Rabbit Feet are a Great Treat for Any Size Dog. These Furry Treats are Great for Allergic Pets, and are a High in Protein.

SKU: 627644000618

Product Code: HRF114


Hero Dehydrated Rabbit Feet – 114g (15 reviews )

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  1. megurq

    These always sneak their way into our orders! My dog carried his first one around for a while and once he realized he could eat it, the rest was history! These are such an affordable treat and the fur is excellent for cleaning out the digestive tract! Don’t be hesitant at all about these Rabbit feet, they are 100% natural and we are so happy we tried them! 10/10!

  2. williamsbk21 (client confirmé)

    Not going to lie this one creeped me out a bit but my dog LOVES rabbit and fur is so good for their digestion that I gave in and my dog absolutely loves them. He would eat the entire bag in one sitting if I let him. These are definitely going to be on our standard rotation now. They are great for crunch, sometimes I add them onto a meal, sometimes I use them as a treat.

  3. Kristina Heald Hoogenboom (client confirmé)

    Perfect for pets with allergies. My dog loves the crunch plus it’s awesome for extra fibre, cleaning his teeth and aids in digestion.

  4. shan

    This is one of those treats that gets everyone in the room all up in arms when you pull out the bag but my pup absolutely loves them! I try to limit him to eating too many because, like others have said, he would devour an entire bag if I let him 😀 One thing I like about the rabbit feet is that, unlike other treats, they don’t have a horrible odor to them. One of the favorites around our house and will be a regular purchase!

  5. Barbie Wallace

    These rabbit ears are Pradas favorite treat at all, being a Crested their teeth are not the greatest and these sure make here chew, totally awesome treat! The fibre is also helpful to her stool. ❤

  6. LeoHunter (client confirmé)

    My guy absolutely loves the Hero rabbit feet, he hears the bag and comes running. They are a great treat that doesn’t leave a mess and has so many benefits, high protein, good for their teeth and I had someone once referred to them as a q-tip for the colon, lol, I highly recommend!

  7. tricolourtrails (client confirmé)

    My Aussie gets one of these after every canicross training session. I love the extra glucosamine, and also the fibre from the fur. I even find it cleans his teeth! They are very crunchy.

  8. feetpeet

    Make sure you get these when you see them in stock, your dog will not be disappointed! I call these my dogs chips, they have a great crunch and they would certainly never be refused in my house.

  9. Tamaraachan

    Mon chien adore ces gâteries! Elles sont parfaites pour ajouter une petite dose de fibres. Elle sont sans odeurs et très croustillantes (c’est satisfaisant à entendre )

  10. thecass (client confirmé)

    Norman our dane LOVESSSSS these. This is the ony treat he runs away with and plays for a min before eating it. They’re great for cleaning teeth and aiding in digestion ((fur).

  11. charliemcdoge

    I wasn’t so sure at first but my dog doesn’t hesited! He really loves them. It’s his new favorite treats!

  12. tarynjla

    We were gifted the bag and I was a little hesitant at first but I have never seen Summer so excited about a treat before (and that says a lot because she loves snacks). She absolutely loves them, we will not hesitate to buy more!

  13. 45zx (client confirmé)

    My puppy loves to chew these but they’re a little hard for her baby teeth, so I’ll set them aside for when she’s older. In the meantime I’ve ordered the ears! 🙂

  14. Karla Gourdeau

    Hi everyone! My dog tried for the first time today. At first he seemed unsure what to do with it and then he ate it right up and seemed to really enjoy it. He is a small dog 17 lbs and he ended up throwing up the rabbit foot a few hours later. This is gross but it looked pretty much like a foot still. Could he have thrown it up because he didn’t chew it enough before swallowing? Any thoughts/advice is appreciated. He has lots of allergies so I was super excited about this option especially thinking of his teeth and digestive track.

  15. @kavikmalinois

    My dogs absolutely love the Hero Rabbit Feet. Don’t be alarmed if their bowel movement is hairy.

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