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Thrive Bovine Colostrum – 60g

(21 avis client)

Thrive Bovine Colostrum  – 60g

Le colostrum contient plus de 90 facteurs immunitaires, y compris les immunoglobulines naturelles IgG et IgA. Une supplémentation en colostrum bovin lyophilisé peut soutenir un système immunitaire en santé.

Le colostrum bovin Thrive provient de vaches laitières USDA Grade A élevées aux États-Unis. Il est testé en laboratoire pour s'assurer qu'il est exempt d'antibiotiques et de STBS.

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SKU: 627818002554

Product Code: THRVBC60


Thrive Bovine Colostrum – 60g (21 reviews )

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  1. williamsbk21 (client confirmé)

    This supplement has been a life saver. My dog had a skin issue going on, I believe from allergies and I tried so many natural things and nothing seemed to be fully kicking it, it would provide short term relief but never fully alleviate the problem. I started this supplement, giving it about 20-30 minutes before meals at breakfast time and within a few days he started to finally really improve. I am so happy my boy finally has relief from all the scratching and skin issues. I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone!

  2. ava_klausgsd

    Every winter my dogs gets super itchy. Came across this product on a social media post about it relieving itchiness and thought I would give it a try. My dogs were scratch themselves constantly and since adding it to their food, they have stopped. It’s a miracle. So much money wasted at the vet where all they would recommend were steroids and now my dogs are so much happier. I highly recommend this product to everyone who has an itchy dog, especially in the winter.

  3. Kristina Heald Hoogenboom (client confirmé)

    This product has done wonders for my itchy dog. The winter months are not nice on his skin from the cold and dry air. He itches non-stop and it’s obviously very uncomfortable for him. I give him this product first thing in the morning with a little goats milk, wait 20 mins then serve him his breakfast. He no longer itches for the rest of the day. I highly recommend this product!

  4. Vanessa

    This product has helped strengthen my dogs immune system and GI tract! Plus she loves the taste!

  5. meghaanlee (client confirmé)

    I feed this to my dog about half an hour before he gets his breakfast & have noticed an improvement in his itchiness!

  6. ErikaD

    This product has saved me not only time but money from going to the vet for my dogs allergies. Highly recommend this product as it helps to heal the body not just cover up the source!

  7. Beardes8818 (client confirmé)

    Since starting this product my dog has finally been scratching less. And when I ran out for a little while I really noticed a difference.


    This was a huge help when my gut was dealing with seasonal allergies.

  9. Kelsey Bloedorn

    My moms dog had SEVER allergies pretty much all year round, he got ear infections and hits spots all the time.. he had sores on his feet that he constantly licked and pretty much had to wear a cone whenever he was home alone.. we started him on this product and within two weeks his sores on his feet healed, he was not oily at all anymore and within a month his hair is totally grown back.. its honestly a miracle.. I swear by this product and highly recommend it to everyone. I can not say enough good things about it

  10. Amanda Sturch

    I have to say, this product is amazing! I’ve been dealing with a mold issue in my apartment, and my dog Molly started scratching like crazy to the point where her skin was red, and she was bleeding and had scabs. I suspected mold was the culprit, but took her to the vet to rule out fleas/parasites, and my vet said it’s most likely the mold causing her issues. I started her on Thrive Bovine colostrum, and within 2 weeks she was almost back to normal. She still scratches more than normal, but there’s no more red skin or scabs. A couple of months ago I ran out of it and decided to wait and see if her issues came back, and within a week they did! So I put her back on it, and plan to keep her on it until we move in July. Hope this helps someone else who might be going through the same thing – THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS!

  11. sylviabozo

    This product is highly recommended, allergies or no allergies. If you have a dog on Apoquel (for allergies), a prescription drug, I suggest you try this all natural product; you will notice a difference after a week or sooner. My little critter has a dripping nose year-round and Colostrum solved this problem.

  12. Laura D’Angelo (client confirmé)

    My German Shepherd Sascha has environmental and food allergies. She was on apoquel for almost 3 years when I finally took her off it. Although the drug worked for the most part, she would never eat and became lazy and grew a lot of cysts on her body. She wouldn’t heal when the cysts would burst and they would become infected. Her nose would drip all day all year round and her shedding was uncontrollable. she would even vomit every once in a while and it was only fluid. her nose would leave a large puddle everywhere. I removed her off the apoquel and her puritis wasn’t too bad, she started eating again and her cysts stopped popping up. but her nose was always dripping. With the occasional itch and I could see some of her symptoms were coming back, I decided to try this product. Am I ever glad I did! I have not finished the first container yet and her nose stopped dripping, her shedding has significantly been reduced, no itching, and you can tell she is so much happier! Highly recommend! I add it to her first morning meal everyday. I have tried giving it to her 30 min before her meal as well. it works both ways!

  13. Michelle Ignacio

    I bought my 4th tub! My dog has environmental allergies and the vet told us to put him on Apoquel but I researched a bit about it and was very hesitant so I wanted to try this, and it really helps! He still itches, but not as much as before, he used to get his paws red from itching! I also tried a different colostrum brand and my dog wouldn’t eat it…………….. I am not sure why since they’re the same in ingredients and nutritional facts. So now I’m back writing a review because I think my dog wants me to get this again! It worked for my dog, maybe not yours so, talk to your vet first!

  14. alecat10

    IT WORKS !! I tried this product based on the great reviews and here I am doing a great review! I have a Maine Coon cat with severe itching problem. She has had tons of tests over the years to no avail….countless food changes and trials….and researching feline nutrition to no avail….I mix it in with her wet food and she eats it.. not crazy about the white powder taste…so I have to crush up some freeze dried chicken liver treats on top to temp her! .but as soon as I stop giving it to her the scratching returns immediately! Her hair is starting to grow back on the spots of intense itching!

  15. Alison Brooks

    My Maine Coon cat has done exceptionally well using this product! She scratches non-stop and has IBS. The scratching has been reduced by about 60% and her IBS and stool quality has never been better. We have had all the tests done etc…to no avail! As soon as I stop using this product, the symptoms return. I mix the white powder into her wet food so she doesn’t inhale it. She is not put off by the taste.

  16. Who Rescued Who

    Our Malamute didn’t shed for almost 3yrs. No diagnosis as to why but he then started losing patches of fur which was due to staph infections. We were on our 3rd round of antibiotics when a friend mentioned this product. We purchased a jar and started giving it to both dogs. The staph infections finally went away and at the end of the 2nd jar when we were debating buying a 3rd, I noticed some new fur growing in! We are hooked. Our guy finally grew in new fur and has been shedding as he should. We believe his health issues are due to his thyroid and seizure issues. This product seemed to be the golden ticket to kick starting his immune system, thank you!!!

  17. Mike

    Tried everything for my mini aussie and this stuff works great. No more itching and scabs.

  18. Anne (client confirmé)

    My puppy suffered allergies when we got her to the point of her crying in pain and tearing off her hair. After finding her food allergy, I found that helped but was still suffering.. I started her on this Bovine Colostrum and she was not suffering anymore.. It was a life saver for her.. She has low tolerance to beef but this does not act against her only improves her quality of life.. I would recommend anyone with a puppy suffering any kind of allergies to try it…

  19. Anne (client confirmé)

    My puppy suffered allergies when we got her to the point of her crying in pain and tearing off her hair. After finding her food allergy, I found that helped but was still suffering.. I started her on this Bovine Colostrum and she was not suffering anymore.. It was a life saver for her.. She has low tolerance to beef but this does not act against her only improves her quality of life.. I would recommend anyone with a puppy suffering any kind of allergies to try it…

  20. Sue

    Not a review but a question, does it have to be fed 20-30 minutes before their meal? i have four labs and they are fed first thing in the morning and to do this beforehand and make them wait will be torture, lol

    • linda_bcr

      Hi Sue, Colostrum is known to be more effective on an empty stomach however, it’s certainly fine to add to the meal as well.

  21. Jacqueline Garnett

    Love this product!! Can’t go a day without it since I started giving it. My dog was having issues with on and off diarrhea and her stools have been perfect after using this for a few weeks. Highly recommended!

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Valeurs Nutritives

Colostrum bovin sans RBGH 30%

Humidité (max) : 8%, protéines (min) : 56%, matières grasses (min) : 26%, lactose (min) : 11%

par 1g

IgG 380mg

PRPs 150 mg

Lactoferrine 5 mg

Le colostrum contient plus de 90 nutriments immunitaires, notamment les immunoglobulines naturelles IgG et IgA. La supplémentation en colostrum bovin lyophilisé peut être bénéfique pour les chiens souffrant d'allergies alimentaires ou saisonnières, car il contient un ingrédient appelé polypeptide riche en proline (PRP). Des études et recherches sur le colostrum bovin indiquent que le PRP pourrait stimuler un système immunitaire. Plus important encore, il peut contrer un système hyperactif résultant de troubles auto-immuns et de réactions allergiques.

At Big Country Raw, our goal is to use real, fresh ingredients as much as possible! Because of this, we have to account variability in our raw ingredients, including seasonal and supply variation. The value we share take that variability into account, and because of that, we test our ingredients and recipes regularly.

Guide d'alimentation

Le colostrum plait aux chiens et aux chats car il a un goût agréable. Le choix idéal en matière d'alimentation consiste à l'offrir à votre animal sous forme de gâterie de 20 à 30 min. avant de nourrir. Idéalement 1 fois par jour, à la première heure du matin.

Posologie :

10 lb – 1/8 c. à thé

20 lb – 1/4 c. à thé

40 lb – 1/2 c. à thé

60 lb – 3/4 c. à thé

80 lb – 1 c. à thé

100 lb – 1 1/4 c. à thé

Pas une source d’anticorps. Entreposer à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Aucune réfrigération nécessaire.

Français du Canada
193 --- Cookhouse - Pain de viande de boeuf - 750g ---- 162 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:162 ------ disponible
194 --- Cou de Boeuf 4 à 6 morceaux - 1 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ Non disponible
197 --- Tripe de boeuf - boite de 4 lb ---- 119 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<169 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:288 ------ disponible
198 --- Mélange Campagnard - boite de 4 lb ---- 1403 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<2920 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:4323 ------ disponible
200 --- Dîner de poulet - Boite de 4 lb ---- 1845 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<3449 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:3449 ------ disponible
202 --- Cous de poulet (sans la peau) - 2 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1 ------ disponible
203 --- Slobbers® Huile vierge de noix de coco - 250 ml ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<598 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ disponible
204 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Liver - 114g ---- 19 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<122 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:141 ------ disponible
205 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Lung - 65g ---- 16 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<174 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:190 ------ disponible
207 --- Hero Beef Bully Stick - 6" ---- 20 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<310 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:330 ------ disponible
209 --- Hero Dehydrated Chicken Feet - 114g ---- 74 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<180 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:254 ------ disponible
211 --- Diner de Canard - boite de 4 lb ---- 463 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1801 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:2264 ------ disponible