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Thrive Bladder Support Fusion – 135g

(12 avis client)

Le Soutien de la vessie de Thrive contient de l'extrait de canneberge biologique et du D-Mannose, ainsi que 7 autres herbes et nutriments destinés à fournir un soutien de la vessie et des voies urinaires aux chats et aux chiens.

Peut aider en cas d'infections urinaires répétitives, de calculs et de cristaux de la vessie, d'incontinence et d'entraînement à la propreté.

SKU: 627818002622

Product Code: THRVBS135


Thrive Bladder Support Fusion – 135g (12 reviews )

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  1. Amanda (client confirmé)

    This is a great product! Helps maintain a healthy urinary tract for dogs and cats. Our cat suffered from urinary Crystal and this helps to maintain a healthy urinary ph level

  2. Erin Campbell

    I have two male cats and knowing that males are prone to blockages this is a godsend of a product. The peace of mind its given me to be able to add this to their food to preemptively nip this problem in the butt is so wonderful. I highly recommend this product.

  3. André Lamarche

    Produits très efficace pour les pierres au rein et pour les infections urinaires. Je recommande fortement ce produit!!

  4. ava_klausgsd (client confirmé)

    My dog had a bad spay and used to occasionally pee the bed at night. Since feeding this during each dinner meal, she’s never peed in her sleep. Wonderful product

  5. Nicia Montminy

    My cat, Rosie, who is stressed out by everything, does not eat raw. I decided to give this a try as she was peeing in my bed when a new situation stressed her out. Since giving her bladder support, she never peed again!

  6. Melaniegra etom

    My female pug has struvite stones in urine and recurring UTI’s. She would have a UTI consistently every month or every other month. I felt terrible seeing her so uncomfortable. After several expensive vet visits for urine tests, x-rays, etc and a recommendation to stick a needle directly into her bladder to extract urine for examination, we decided to give this a try. So far, it’s been over 3 months and my dog hasn’t had another UTI. It’s amazing! We give her one scoop every morning with her raw food, and we make sure to add additional water to her bowl. Love this product!

  7. Karissa

    This WORKS! My 2 year old Frenchie has got struvite crystals 3 different times in the past 6 months due to a high PH and vet wanted me to put him on a urinary food but he is a very picky eater and also had bad allergies. He had lots of struvite crystals and a PH of 8. I check his urine PH every morning to make sure it’s around 6.5-7 where the vet wants it. He has been in this supplement for 3 weeks and he just had his urine rechecked today and the PH is where they want it since I started using this on him and there are NO struvite crystals at all! The vet was very happy that he didn’t have a single crystal in his urine! I add this to his food every morning and make sure he drinks enough water every day and this product I will keep him on! Definitely recommend for struvite crystals or high PH. I have tried lots of other products for this but they didn’t acidify his urine enough or get rid of the crystals,. Glad I tried this product on my dog it’s AMAZING!

  8. Meagan Trembath

    My 13 year old sheltie is on this. She has spay incontinence. Had been on stilbesterol for it. No need for the hormone at all with this product. Love it.

  9. Jason D

    I have never believed in this type of treatment for pets (or people really)
    $1000 dollars later and zero answers from many vets, our very young cat was still having terrible bladder issues.
    I googled chronic cystitis and saw some of the herbal supplements people used, and then saw that this product had some of the same ingredients. (mannose, marshmallow, stinging nettle, etc.)
    Much to my joy, this supplement has fixed out cat – after months of peeing everywhere and being very uncomfortable.
    The only thing that added to my happiness with this product is when I also saw it was made in Canada.


  10. Terese Celi (client confirmé)

    I have been using this product for a few years now.
    My shihpoo ended up with struvite cystals and stones and needed the surgery to remove what looked like a sand and gravel took over in her bladder. Not once did she have any signs of any UTIs before this discovery. Vet wanted her on their urinary diet and I said absolutely no way. I thoroughly looked into natural ways to support her urinary track and bladder. I came across this supplement and tried it and have not looked back once. It’s peace of mind that she continues to void properly and not have anymore issues. So far so good. I trust this product for her.
    thank-you from myself and BellaMia

  11. Sandra

    This product is a HOLY GRAIL. My 2 year old doodle had uti, after uti, after uti before going on this product. It was so bad we were going to the vet every 2-3 weeks spending hundreds of dollars. They did urinalysis, urine culture, etc and at the end they told us they dont know what to do, she had incontinence and needed to be sent to a specialist which would cost around 3k and it MIGHT tell us whats wrong. This was not Feasible to us and thats when i decided to try this product, after all, i had nothing to lose. After a week ALL of her issues went away and shes been happy go lucky going on 2 months. I definitely recommend this product

  12. Vanessa (client confirmé)

    I am going to echo the sentiments here. This has saved my dog’s life. As a senior dog with other health issues, my vet was convinced she had bladder stones and or bladder cancer. After a UTI that would not go away after months of antibiotics and a lot of stressful laundry and discomfort, we were ready to say goodbye. As a last ditch effort, tried this powder. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. My dog is thriving, she isn’t stressed and in constant pain. She has been on the powder daily for 9 months. It is a little constipating for her but that’s manageable. If I stop the powder she seems to get irritated relatively quickly so it is definitely keeping things healthy for her on a longterm basis. She is happy and living her best life. Thank you.

    • BCR

      Hi Vanessa. We’re so glad to hear Bladder Support is working for you! Healthy, happy pets – It’s why we do what we do!

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Valeurs Nutritives

Ingrédients actifs : guimauve, prêle, persil, ortie, canneberge, n-acétyl-alpha-d-glucosamine, mannose, sulfate de glucosamine, chlorure de potassium, MSM.
Ingrédients inactifs : saveur de foie de boeuf, maltodextrine, dioxyde de silicium, amidon de tapioca
2.25g/ c. à thé

At Big Country Raw, our goal is to use real, fresh ingredients as much as possible! Because of this, we have to account variability in our raw ingredients, including seasonal and supply variation. The value we share take that variability into account, and because of that, we test our ingredients and recipes regularly.

Guide d'alimentation

Posologie :

10 lb – 1/2 c. à thé

20 lb – 1 c. à thé

40 lb – 2 c. à thé

60 lb – 3 c. à thé

80 lb – 4 c. à thé

100 lb – 5 c. à thé

Administrer par voie orale, une fois par jour. Peut être donné au moment des repas avec de la nourriture.

Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux gestants ou allaitants. Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux recevant d'autres médicaments, sauf sur avis d'un vétérinaire. Ne pas utiliser chez les animaux atteints de maladie rénale. Si l'état de l'animal s'aggrave ou ne s'améliore pas, arrêtez l'administration du produit et consultez votre vétérinaire. Administrer pendant ou après le repas pour réduire l'incidence des troubles gastro-intestinaux. Conserver à l'abri du soleil. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.

Français du Canada
193 --- Cookhouse - Pain de viande de boeuf - 750g ---- 162 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:162 ------ disponible
194 --- Cou de Boeuf 4 à 6 morceaux - 1 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<0 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ Non disponible
197 --- Tripe de boeuf - boite de 4 lb ---- 119 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<169 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:288 ------ disponible
198 --- Mélange Campagnard - boite de 4 lb ---- 1403 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<2920 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:4323 ------ disponible
200 --- Dîner de poulet - Boite de 4 lb ---- 1845 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<3449 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:5294 ------ disponible
202 --- Cous de poulet (sans la peau) - 2 lb ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:1 ------ disponible
203 --- Slobbers® Huile vierge de noix de coco - 250 ml ---- 0 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<598 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:0 ------ disponible
204 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Liver - 114g ---- 19 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<122 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:141 ------ disponible
205 --- Hero Dehydrated Beef Lung - 65g ---- 16 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<174 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:190 ------ disponible
207 --- Hero Beef Bully Stick - 6" ---- 20 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<310 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:330 ------ disponible
209 --- Hero Dehydrated Chicken Feet - 114g ---- 74 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<180 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:254 ------ disponible
211 --- Diner de Canard - boite de 4 lb ---- 463 ----LOCATION ID>>>>157775<<<<1801 ----- LOCATION ID>>>>157773<<<< TOTAL STOCK:2264 ------ disponible